LifespanSBEM commercial energy performance certificates

LifespanSBEM Approved for use in Scotland

LifespanSBEM has recently gained approval from Scottish Government to produce Energy Performance Certificates for commercial buildings in Scotland. As you may be aware, unlike England and Wales, there is no requirement to lodge the SBEM data with a central database; the only requirement is to print off and display the EPC in the entrance of the building.

If you are an existing registered user of LifespanSBEM and wish to produce EPCs in Scotland the facility is now available and ready to use. The cost of the software will be charged on production of an EPC for display purposes.

If you are not a registered user and wish to use LifespanSBEM to produce EPCs in Scotland, in accordance with our Quality Assurance, you will be required to undertake software training in the use of LifespanSBEM.

Mr Martin Russell-Croucher Head of Sustainibility at the RICSThe inaugural Lifespan-SBEM User Group Forum
Lifespan DEC display energy performance certificates LifespanSAP domestic EPCs
Property Tectonics (pt) has over twenty years experience looking after buildings and delivering support services for people who own and use buildings.
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